Thursday, 23 October 2008


It was a jam packed few weeks in my beloved country Ghana. Situated 5°C above the equator, it is home to most of my suppliers as well as the orphanage supported by our helping hand programme.
I had forgotten how hot the temperature was but it was good to be back home for sometime.
I visited our authentic African Black soap suppliers for both bar and the liquid version. It was great to chat with them but I was upset to notice that the factory producing our bars of soap was slightly damaged in a recent fire.
I was able to organise a 2-day soapmaking class for some members of the shea co-op based in Northern Ghana. There was so much excitement when we unmoulded our first log of shea soap - more to follow later.
The highlight of my visit was getting myself through the chaotic traffic to a destination outside Accra. I was met by kids of the orphanage we support and was able to donate clothes, refreshments, toys & stationery. I had a fab time interacting with these kids who ranged between 6 and 16 years of age.
A big thank you to all our customers who make it possible to put a smile on the faces of these kids.

Akua Wood -

Empowering women, empowering men, celebrating the leaders of tomorrow


  1. Hi there!

    I am so happy to find this blog!

    I will be in Ghana in a few months and I will be flying there from the U.S.!

    I want to visit as many orphanages as I can. What are the most urgent needs for the orphans of Ghana?

    Most orphanages will say that they will accept any donations but I am interested in identifying the "must have" items and then the "wish for" items can come later!

    Thank you for your post!

    Blessings from a Christian sister from the U.S. named "Paul"

  2. I hope you enjoy your stay in Ghana.
    The must have items needed at this orphanage include:
    Chalk - coloured/white
    Pure water
    Washing up liquid

    Obviously, this will vary from one orphanage to the other.
