Friday, 30 April 2010


Once upon a time, I used to be able to thumb the floor with my dancing shoes and swing those hips.

Music for me is the universal language - I know football fans would disagree - but what the hey!!! I love music and this morning with the sun shining and the "world on my shoulders", I was sent a link by one of my friends Yasmeen. I have met Yasmeen but never heard her singing voice until now. Her voice is sweet on the ears. Have a listen and enjoy. The song seems to have a calming effect on me.


Thursday, 15 April 2010


Actually, I never went away. I took time off work although ironically, I was working behind the scenes. So much has been happening at Sheabutter Cottage and I would like to take this opportunity in thanking you for your support.

GUMU - GHANA: I am pleased to say that we have managed to raise 281.7% of our target [as of 11.Apr]. We hope that we can hit a 300% target before I visit the lovely ladies in June.
Our latest donation to Gumu was a much needed one to provide a roof before the raining season. I was glad to receive a phonecall yesterday to confirm this had been carried out. Some of the money also went towards providing a pipeline. Learn a bit more of this co-op.

NGO/CHARITY: Back in December 2009, I mentioned "I finally signed documents for the formation of our Ghanaian based company [NGO/Charity]. This will be to help meet the psychosocial needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable children". We are now planning on the inauguration in June.

KOMBO BUTTER: I sometimes receive requests for items that we do not necessarily stock due to our sourcing policy. I was excited though to be challenged with this butter. I actually did not have to look far as I managed to track this butter down whilst chatting to one of the ladies at Gumu. The butter was delivered yesterday - freshly pressed and is now available : on our site

NEW PRODUCTS @ CIOCCOLATINA: We have been known for our range of fair trade exotic supplies. However, we still make our range of natural toiletries under the Cioccolatina brand. Yes, all the products are handmade by yours truly and here is the latest offering:
Scalp butter
Frankincense & Lavender gift pack
Frankincense & Lavender shea soap
Frankincense & Lavender whipped shea

Until next time, keep pampering your skin.
Sheabutter Cottage